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Make money, $100 a day on the internet

ideas to make money online

Making an extra 100 dollars a day on the internet could be a great solution for your financial problems. We all look for easy money to make. Some people think that $100 a day is not enough others think that there is no such thing easy money. Maybe they are right, but I am sure of one thing you will never be able to make a lot of money on the internet if you don’t reach and practice how to make $100 a day. and how easy it could be is only depend on how serious you ar!

If you make a search on the internet for the term make $100 a day you will find more than 100 million result, and each page describe a few ways to make money on the internet or any other work at home opportunities; but how many of them really practice what they preach, and how many of them did it themselves. Do they make the money from the strategies they are explaining or by selling you the information itself?

Well! I do practice what I preach; I do make more than $100 using the same strategies I am going to share with you. And more important I make more than $100 from each strategy.

I want you first to understand one thing, Money comes from selling and trading; in order to earn money you need to sell a product or to enroll leads to some program. There are no other way and there are no secrets, the money will come from customers who buy a products through you or by companies who advertise through you. Any other way will be considered as a scam, there is how ever one exception that we will describe in strategy number 5.

I cannot talk about making money online with out mentioning Maverick Money Makers, but I don't want to do it here, it is a brilliant money maker see our review here Maverick Money Makers Review

So let’s get started, here are the strategies you can use to make $100 per day on the internet.

1. The first strategy will be the fast affiliate commission, this strategy you can practice right away and start making the $100 today. It’s simple and need no special knowledge.

It’s selling products as an affiliate with Pay Per Click campaign. And here is how to do it.

The first step is to identify a products or niche that is hot on the internet, to do so you need to make a small research to identify what products are hot in demand today, one way to do so is by going to Google trends and find out today’s trends, and make a list of products that can go with that trends.

The next thing is to find an affiliate program or affiliate network that offer these products with high commission. However I did it backwards, I am a member of some great affiliate programs and networks and I keep an eye on their newest products and some of their highest conversion rate products and then I make a search on word tracker to see how money people look for this kind of products.

After that you need to open an account with Google ad wards or Yahoo search market and start your pay per click campaign. And you use your affiliate link as the destination URL of the ad, here is a step by step how I did it.

I am an affiliate of market health affiliate network, it’s the top health related affiliate network with some great deferent products, lately they had launched a new weight loss product that based on the Acai berry Brazilian fruit, Acai berry was a hot niche on the internet on the end of summer 2008, so I build an ad campaign on Google ad ward promoting this products; here is the ad

Acai Berry for weight loss

Acai berry extract for healthy weight

Try it now, and see the results

the most important factors on the ad is to give the readers of the ad a good idea what they will find after clicking the ad, remember we want to convert the clicks to sales, we don’t want people to click the ads and find deferent offer on the page, that’s way I used acai berry and weight loss on the ad title, I don’t want people who are looking for acai berry products as an anti oxidant to click on the ad, I also don’t want people who are looking for the acai berry as a fruit to click, that’s why I used the term acai berry extract, you can say acai berry products, acai berry capsules or acai berry juice to describe you products.

With Pay Per Click (PPC) ads we want only targeted and very interested people to click on the ad because each click is cost us between 0.5 to 2 dollars and we want to get the maximum conversion rate. So don’t use FREE to attract people to click if you don’t have a free offer there.

Read this short report about Pay per click advertising

Here is our recommendation of the Best affiliate programs

And here is our Affiliate network choice LinkShare

Here is a great post about Affiliate Store


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